
5 min read

2025-01-06: Azure Key Vault - New IP Address Added to Key Vault Firewall


This query detects when a new or unknown IP address is added to an Azure Key Vault firewall. You can define a list of known IP address with the let operator, use a watchlist, or import an external data source. An adversary with appropriate permissions may introduce new firewall rules to bypass controls and allow access to the Key Vault.


let knownIPs = dynamic(["", "", ""]); // Define your set of known IPs, or use a watchlist, or import an external data source
| where OperationName == "VaultPatch"
| extend Caller = identity_claim_http_schemas_xmlsoap_org_ws_2005_05_identity_claims_upn_s
| extend NewIPAddress = addedIpRule_Value_s
| where NewIPAddress != ""
| where NewIPAddress !in (knownIPs)
| project TimeGenerated, CorrelationId, Caller, CallerIPAddress, NewIPAddress, SubscriptionId, ResourceGroup, Resource, ResourceId


T1562.007Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Cloud FirewallDefense Evasion
T1555.006Credentials from Password Stores: Cloud Secrets Managemetn StoresCredential Access

Analytic Rule


This query can be beneficial in hunting unauthorized changes to Key Vault firewall rules. As a detection this may generate noise if there are frequent changes to Key Vault firewall rules, however, you can leverage the KnowIPs, Caller, _ResourceId, and the NewIPAddress values to filter out unwanted noise.